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Further Information

ANTHAP The Applied Anthropology Computer NetworkAnthropoetics: The Electronic Journal of Generative AnthropologyAnthropology of East Europe Review (AEER)
Anthropology Resources on the InternetThe Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates and the Evolution of IntelligenceThe Castles of Wales
Center for Anthropology Communications Home PageCenter for Visual Anthropology (CVA) Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing (CSAC)
Fourth World Documentation ProjectGnostic Institute of AnthropologyLondon U.K.The Gorilla Home Page
Grottos of the American MidwestHopi Basketry PresentationJournal of World Anthropology
Maxwell Museum of AnthropologyMaya AdventureMayaQuest 97 Home Page
Museum of Anthropology University of MichiganNative American Net ServerNativeWeb
Nicole's AnthroPageOrigins Of Mankind HomepagePrimate Info Net (PIN)
Seeker1's CyberAnthropology Home PageSociety for Economic AnthropologyThe Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE) Web Site
UCSB Anthropology Web SiteUniversity of Chicago Press Anthropology and Archeaology CatalogUniversity of Manitoba Anthropology Department
The UVa AnthroNetWorld Scripture: A comparative anthology of sacred texts